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Diabetes Prevention Program
The Diabetes Prevention Program is a yearlong lifestyle change program focused on healthier nutrition, increased physical activity, and weight loss. It is the mission of the Brancati Center to expand access to the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) across Baltimore City, the State of Maryland, and beyond.
Who is eligible for DPP?
People with
Prediabetes: Hemoglobin A1c 5.7 - 6.4%
or fasting blood sugar of 100 - 125 mg/dl -
OR, for people with Medicaid: a history of gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy)
an elevated body mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or greater (23 or greater if Asian)
We accept Medicare, Medicaid, and the Johns Hopkins Employee Health Plan. There are no out of pocket costs for participants.
Together, we have the power to
stop diabetes.
Our Community Partners
Zion Baptist Church,
Pastor Marshall Prentice
Garden of Prayer Christian Church, Pastor Brenda Tuggle
Mt. Pleasant Church and Ministries,
Bishop Clifford M. Johnson, Jr.
Israel Baptist Church,
Rev. Dr. H. Walden Wilson II
Shiloh Baptist Church,
Bishop Heber M. Brown II
Galilee Baptist Church,
Reverend Douglas F. Wilson
Koinonia Baptist Church,
Rev. Dante K. Miles
United Baptist Church,
Dr. Carl J. Solomon
What Our Partners Say

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